Recurring deposit is an ideal deposit scheme and beneficial to salaried class, monthly wage earners and those who are having monthly income for saving a fixed amount every month and obtaining handsome amount at the end of the selected period.
This scheme is meant for the low income group wherein small amounts with minimum installment of Rs.100/- paid every month by the subscribers for a fixed period ranging from 12 months to 120 months. The interest payable on this deposit is cumulative (quarterly compounded).
Mahila Nidhi deposit’ is a re-investment scheme deposit in which the interest is capitalized at quarterly rests and the principal amount with accrued compounded interest is paid to the depositor on maturity.
Is issued for minimum amount of Rs.100/- the period of maturity varies from 12 months to 120 months. The interest payable on this deposit varies from 9.00 % to 10.0%.
Fixed deposit shall be accepted for periods with a minimum of 31 days and maximum of 10 years. The minimum amount of deposit shall be Rs.1000/- and there is no maximum limit. The rate of interest payable for various periods of deposits shall be as fixed by the Board of Directors from time to time.
This is a Savings scheme meant only for children where there is no restriction on either the amount of deposit made or the time limit. The option is left to the subscriber who can invest any amount at any time for any period. No withdrawals from the deposit are permitted till the date of Maturity. The bank pays an interest ranging from 5.0% to 10.00% on this deposit.
SAVINGS BANK A/C It is an operative account which is opened by an individual in his own name or jointly with another person or persons and a minor person through his guardian;
This deposit is accepted only from the persons seeking membership of the Bank. This deposit is not accepted in joint names and in minor’s name.
Current account is an operative account and it will be opened for business purposes or facilitating large transactions
DEAF LIST 2014-15 DEAF LIST 2015-16 DEAF LIST 2016-17
Mar-2020 Dec-2019 Sep-2019 Jun-2019 DEAF-LIST-2018-19
Feb-2020 Nov-2019 Aug-2019 May-2019 DEAF-LIST-2017-18
Jan-2020 Oct-2019 Jul-2019 Apr-2019 DEAF LIST 2020-21
Apr-2021 May-2021 June-2021 July-2021 Aug-2021 SEP-2021
OCT 2021 NOV 2021 DEC 2021 JAN 2022 FEB 2022 MAR 2022
APRIL 2022 MAY 2022 JUNE 2022 JUL-2022 AUG-2022 SEP-2022 OCT 2022 NOV 2022 DEC 2022 JAN 2023 FEB 2023
MAR 2023 APRIL 2023 MAY 2023 JUNE-2023 JULY-2023 AUG-2023 SEP-2023 OCT-2023 NOV-2023 DEC-2023 JAN-2024