
Banking today is a niche career for enthusiasts in the field of commerce and accounts. For the beginners, it is the first step towards understanding the global economy, discovering the challenges of the marketplace and identifying themselves with a career that provides them with tremendous opportunities.

Banking is a career that offers opportunities to students from all streams, be it humanities, commerce or science. However, to make a career in banking, you must be good at analysing numbers, that is, your mathematics must be strong enough to interpret and analyse numerical data.



Administrative Office : No.14, South End Road, Seshadripuram, Bangalore – 560 020.

Applications from the eligible candidates are called for filling the below mentioned post in the bank :

(Publication MCB/ADM/ 60  /2017-18 dated 26.04.2017)

Sl.No Employee Cadre No.of Posts Educational qualification and experience Pay Scale ( Basic + DA + other Allowances)




EDP Manger 1 Degree in Telecommunication or Computer Science from recognized University.

Preference will be given for candidates having experience in the field of co-operation.



Junior Assistant 13 Degree in Arts/ Science/ Commerce/ Business Management from recognized University and knowledge in computer operation.

Preference will be given for candidates having experience in the field of co-operation.



Attender 6 Studied atleast SSLC

Preference will be given for candidates having experience in the field of co-operation.



Driver 2 Studied upto SSLC. Shall possess license for driving car / jeep / van and have atleast three years experience in driving of these vehicles. Rs.11000-200-12000-250-13000-300-14200-350-15600-400-17200-450-19000

Maximum age of the candidate as on 31.03.2017 shall be as under:

Class/Category                                                             Maximum Age

  1. a) Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/

Backward Class I                                                                                40 years

  1. b) Candidates belonging to Backward Caste or Backward Tribe 38 years
  2. c) Candidates belonging to General Class             35 years

Candidates belonging to a & b group shall enclose caste certificate.

Preference will be given to the candidates possessing diploma in Co-operation/higher qualification.  Reading , writing and transacting in kannada is must for the candidates.

General Instructions:

  1. a) Candidates working in any institution has to produce no objection letter of the institution along with the application.
  2. b) Candidates have to attend written test/interview at their own cost.
  3. c) Decision of the Board is final in respect of eligibility, written test, interview or matter relating to selection of candidates. No correspondence shall be entertained in this behalf.
  4. d) Eligible candidate shall download application form from the banks website and submit the filled application along with the latest photograph of the candidate and the certificates relating to degree marks card, caste certificate, birth certificate, experience certificate to the above address before 5.30PM , on or before 11.05.2017. On the cover mark “Application for …………… post”

Date: 26.04.2017                                                          on Behalf of Recruitment Committee


Member Secretary

Note : Published in Vishwa Vani (Kannada news paper) and The New Indian Express (English News Paper) on 27-04-2017.


A co-operative bank is a financial entity which belongs to its members, who are at the same time the owners and the customers of their bank.

MCB as 15,061 members and the paid up share capital is Rs.1073.27 lakhs as on 31.03.2015.

  1. Regular Membership.
  2. Associate Membership.
  3. Nominal Membership.


The authorised share capital of the bank is Rs.25000 lakhs.  The bank is now making all efforts to admit more and more women from all sections of society to become its members and hopes to achieve the target it has set for itself in reaching the limit of authorised share capital in the next few years.

  • Surety Loan
  • Immovable Property Loan
  • Gold Loan
  • Deposits Loan
Interest Rates
Deposit Schemes
Service Charges

Coming soon....

Internet Banking

Coming Soon

home loan


News & Updates

  • 46th Annual General Body Meeting on 15-09-2024 at Sri Rama Kalyana Mantapa,Cocunut Avenue Road Malleshwaram,Bangalore-20 Annual Report 2024  
    September 22, 2023
  • :Attention Customers of Mahila Co operative Bank Ltd :   Bank has issued Revised / Supplementary Locker Agreement incorporating Customer’s Rights. Customers availing locker facility from Mahila Co-op Bank  are requested to contact their locker holding branch and execute the revised /...
    July 14, 2023
    January 18, 2023
  • Section-194N
    November 6, 2020
  • Return of movable/immovable property loan documents in the event of demise of borrower/s:- In the event of demise of the principal borrower/s the bank will endeavour to return the documents after full payment of all dues to the bank within 30 days after completion of all legal formalities.    ...
    March 21, 2020
  • Reserve Bank- Integrated Ombudsman Scheme – 2021 Ombudsman(Kannada) Ombudsman (English) Ombudsman(Hindi) Principal Nodal Officer
    January 24, 2020
  • Dear Customers, Our Basaveshwaranagar Branch is shifted to following location on Dt: 04-Sep-2023. Mahila Co-Op Bank Ltd., No.1/1, 1st cross, Opposite Model LIC Colony, Basaveshwaranagar, Bengaluru : 560079    
    September 1, 2019
Web Design MymensinghPremium WordPress ThemesWeb Development

46th Annual General Body Meeting

September 22, 2023September 22, 2023
46th Annual General Body Meeting on 15-09-2024 at Sri Rama Kalyana Mantapa,Cocunut Avenue Road Malleshwaram,Bangalore-20 Annual Report 2024  

-:Attention Customers of Mahila Co operative Bank Ltd :-

July 14, 2023July 14, 2023
:Attention Customers of Mahila Co operative Bank Ltd :   Bank has issued Revised / Supplementary Locker Agreement incorporating Customer's Rights. Customers availing locker facility from Mahila Co-op Bank  are requested to contact their locker holding branch and execute the revised / supplementary agreement as applicable.

Appointment of Statutory Audit (SAs) Policy

January 18, 2023January 18, 2023

Notification : Income Tax Section 194N

November 6, 2020November 6, 2020

Return of movable/immovable property loan documents in the event of demise of borrower/s:-

March 21, 2020March 21, 2020
Return of movable/immovable property loan documents in the event of demise of borrower/s:- In the event of demise of the principal borrower/s the bank will endeavour to return the documents after full payment of all dues to the bank within 30 days after completion of all legal formalities.      

Ombudsman Scheme – 2021

January 24, 2020January 24, 2020
Reserve Bank- Integrated Ombudsman Scheme - 2021
  1. Ombudsman(Kannada)
  2. Ombudsman (English)
  3. Ombudsman(Hindi)
  4. Principal Nodal Officer

Branch Shifting

September 1, 2019September 1, 2019
Dear Customers, Our Basaveshwaranagar Branch is shifted to following location on Dt: 04-Sep-2023. Mahila Co-Op Bank Ltd., No.1/1, 1st cross, Opposite Model LIC Colony, Basaveshwaranagar, Bengaluru : 560079